
The best option for dealing with compostable waste is to set up a composting area on your own plot, allowing you to retain the nutrients from the rotting material to re-apply to your own vegetable beds. If you aren't able to set-up your own composting area, centralised composting takes place at four locations on our site, at which everyone is welcome to deposit suitable green waste at any time, and compost from this operation is available to plot holders – free of charge to volunteer composters and at a small cost to other plot holders.


Volunteer composters are always welcome!

We currently manage the composting areas through monthly site clean-up sessions where a team of volunteers meets to tackle any areas of the site which require attention and to tidy up the composting areas. We currently meet on the first Saturday or Sunday of each month so please come and help! You don’t need to commit to helping every month just come along when you can, many hands make light work. Please see the newsletter for details of the next session.


Compost for sale

Plot holders who are not volunteers may buy compost from the communal composting areas for a special price of £1 per barrow load or £10 per bay to ECAS. 


Non-compostable waste

So that the site is kept tidy, there are also brown wheelie bins for non-compostable organic material and green ones for general recycling sited near the entrance, which we encourage all plot holders to use. We have no facilities for the collection of metal or glass on site. This and any other waste should be taken home and disposed of as household waste, or taken to the council recycling depot as appropriate. Further details can be found on the Waste page.